Made with 546 chars of Pico-8 for the TweetTweetJam.
Well, you most surely already know that game. Use hints to guess the hidden colors combination. Use arrows to form your guess, then press X to check it. The resut is 2 numbers : the left one is the number of colors correctly placed, the right one show how many colors are in the code but incorrectly placed.
Not enough chars left to make a proper end & restart, but if the result show "5:0", you did it! Use Enter key + "Restart cart" to play another game.
Here's the complete program, ready to copy & paste to your favorite Pico-8 console :
a={}g=1 cls(1)b=btnp for n=1,5 do p=flr(rnd(8))a[n]=p end y=120p=0 q={0,0,0,0,0}c=circfill::a::r='❎ok' s={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} for n=1,5 do s[a[n]+1]+=1 end if(b(0))p-=1 if(b(1))p+=1 p%=5 if(b(2))q[p+1]+=1 if(b(3))q[p+1]-=1 q[p+1]%=8 t=0u=0 rectfill(0,y-4,128,128,1) for n=1,5 do if(q[n]==a[n])s[a[n]+1]-=1 t+=1 end for n=1,5 do if(q[n]!=a[n] and s[q[n]+1]>0)s[q[n]+1]-=1 u+=1 x=39+n*8 c(x-1,y+1,3,0)c(x,y,3,q[n]+8)c(x+1,y-1,0,7) end if(b(5))r=t..':'..u ?'◆',44+p*8,125,7 ?g,34,y-2,13 ?r,90,y-2 flip() if(r!='❎ok')memcpy(24576,25152,7616)g+=1 goto a
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I somehow got it in 15 turns..
that's a breakthrough for meIt took me a while to figure out the game - never played it before! Really nicely laid out though, considering the limitations. And a nice clear, well-laid-out interface.
i did it! ... took me 24 turns tho...
Well done! I'm not very good at his game neither :D